Liberate yourself from writing-related worries
training modules
satisfied authors
Editorial services for high-quality publications
Make your raw manuscript publication-ready.
Our experienced copyeditors will provide you with the right service you need – from helping you write the right words to preparing your manuscript for submission.


To err is human; to edit is divine

manuscript preparation

A good first impression can work wonders


The first draft is black and white. Editing gives the story color.

other editorial services

A lot happens behind the screen
Workshops for a successful research career
Unlock the path to successful research publication.
We offer a wide range of workshops for the researcher in you. Our flagship workshop on “Research Publication & Ethics” provides the new researcher with hands-on practice on the practical units of the UGC-mandated RPE paper.

UGC's RPE paper

to cover the practical units of the UGC-mandated RPE paper

writing tools

Secrets of being productive, not just busy


the perfect recipe for effective writing

journal identification

step-by-step guide to identify the right journal for submission
Share a sample
Share a randomly picked sample passage of your manuscript. Could be around 500-700 words. We will review the sample to undertsand your needs. Nothing beats a thorough individual diagnosis, right?
Receive recommendations
You will receive the edited version of the sample you shared along with our recommendations tailored to your manuscript in terms of the level of editing needed, days it would take, and a cost estimate (based on the word count).
Review & approve
A quick step, indeed. Once you review our recommendations and nod your head, we will start the project.
Receive the edited copy
By the estimated time, you will receive the edited version of the manuscript. The final deliverables include a version showing changes, a clean version and the style sheet prepared for the manuscript.
Revise, if needed, & finalize
Another quick step! We will prepare the final version by incorporating your responses to our queries and any other suggestions you may have.
How do our editorial services work?
How do our editorial services work?
Share a sample
Share a randomly picked sample passage of your manuscript. Could be around 500-700 words. We will review the sample to undertsand your needs. Nothing beats a thorough individual diagnosis, right?
Receive recommendations
You will receive the edited version of the sample you shared along with our recommendations tailored to your manuscript in terms of the level of editing needed, days it would take, and a cost estimate (based on the word count).
Review & approve
A quick step, indeed. Once you review our recommendations and nod your head, we will start the project.
Receive the edited copy
By the estimated time, you will receive the edited version of the manuscript. The final deliverables include a version showing changes, a clean version and the style sheet prepared for the manuscript.
Revise, if needed, & finalize
Another quick step! We will prepare the final version by incorporating your responses to our queries and any other suggestions you may have.
Good words for good deeds . . .
From our blog . . .
Planning to organize workshops in your institute?
Let's discuss over a cup of coffee . . .
+91 9884 846 542
(+91 9884 t-h-o-l-g-a)