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Peer Review: A Quick Beginner’s Guide
This article is part of our special series in celebration of Peer Review Week, 24–29 September. The theme of this year is Peer Review and The Future of Publishing.
Types of abstracts
In this short article, we will review the two major classifications of abstracts based on their form and function.
Capture the essence of your research article through the abstract
The abstract of your research paper is your golden ticket to grab attention, save time, and make a lasting impact. So, give it the attention it deserves, and make it shine!
What can a copyeditor bring to your manuscript?
A professional copyeditor can help bring 4Cs to your manuscript: correctness, consistency, clarity, and coherence.
Three-Day Workshop on Research Publication & Ethics for Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
We recently conducted a three-day workshop on aspects of academic publishing for the PhD scholars of Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology (SIST), Chennai.
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